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Royal Blood 'Lights Out' by The Sacred Egg

Royal Blood 'Lights Out' by The Sacred Egg

Luke Bather - 18th Apr 2017

The Sacred Egg's stonking performance video for Royal Blood reimagines M.C. Escher's Relativity as a dip in a pool.

Beginning simply enough with the band performing in a stark, white room, things quickly turn into a head-spinning VFX showcase as barely-clothed revellers swim from the walls and the ceiling. It's brilliantly cut by Sam Bould to keep the idea evolving throughout the video, but most of all, the thrilling visuals offer compelling evidence of the directors' qualities as master craftsmen in music videos.

Long overdue in fact. Ed Kaye and Alex Mavor (aka The Sacred Egg) have been struck by 'canned video syndrome' in the past year, as well as being occupied in commercials. But this is a triumphant return. And as they explain below, their 'liquid walls' idea required an inordinate amount of coffee creamer...


“We'd been thinking about the idea of creating a room with liquid walls for a while. We simply needed a band and label willing to get their heads around the concept and trust that we could pull it off.

"Thankfully Royal Blood and Warner went for it. And before we knew it we were standing in an industrial estate in Kosovo staring at a mountain of coffee creamer being mixed into a large vat of water.

"We won’t bore you too much with the technical aspects of the shoot but it's fair to say it came with it complications. All of the elements were shot in camera so it was a big set build. Luckily the team assembled in Pristina were up for the challenge and the time and effort that went into the prep meant the shoot ran faultlessly.

"We're proud of the final film and would like to thank all those who worked on it. Special mention to the extras in Pristina who spent two days getting in and out of milk and to MPC who had to do a huge amount of work in not a lot of time.”

Watch 'Royal Blood 'Lights Out' by The Sacred Egg' here

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Luke Bather - 18th Apr 2017


  • Director's notes
  • Performance
  • VFX
  • Rock

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The Sacred Egg
Tom Birmingham
Natalie Arnett
Service Producer
Harvey Ascott
Service Producer
Besnik Krapi
Production Company
Service Company
Executive Producer
Matthew Fone
1st AD
Shea Bradley


Director of Photography
Ben Todd


Production designer
Ollie Tiong


Sam Bould


Richard Fearon


Post production company
Post Producer
Ryan Hancocks


Warner Bros


Post Supervisor
Jonathan Box

Luke Bather - 18th Apr 2017

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