Jack Whiteley captures the remarkable Rosie Terry Toogood's unhinged rave performance amongst the unsuspecting shoppers of Liverpool city centre for Dogshow.Whiteley's video for the Liverpool brothers' ketty-as-hell new single JellyKet features Toogood ("so good they named her Toogood," says the director) as Jane Kettering from Derby, who has evidently taken a wrong turning on her way to the dancefloor... "When will Jane learn, never mix ketamine and shopping!" declares Whiteley, summing up the premise of the video. And the result is a something to behold, as Rosie/Jane dances, skips and trips over herself in a completely bonkers daytime trip."Dogshow are two brothers traversing the genre-fluid astral planes creating music for dancing," Whiteley explains. And if this song and video are anything to go by, it's safe to say there will be more surprises from them in the near future...
Rob Ulitski - 1 month ago