Kassandra Powell links up with Bambie Thug for a second time - following their collab on the Eurovision entry Doomsday Blues - creating a dark fantasy for new track Hex So Heavy. The ambitious visual is full of haunting imagery, and switches between the depths of a slimy underworld to a strange pastel environment. From the slick - yet unnerving - SFX makeup through to the top-notch art direction, it's a devilishly dark promo, infused with horror iconography and a sense of unabashed experimentation. Speaking about the video, Bambie reveals: “I was thrilled to collaborate once again with Camp Productions, who worked with me on Doomsday, for this video. Kassandra Powell, one of my favourite directors, brought her incredible vision to this project, and our creative chemistry was undeniable once again.“The video tells the story of a shapeshifting witch conjuring spells of revenge from the underworld, and a cunning nymph above ground who has stolen a magical machete from the witch. The nymph, basking in her ill-gotten gains and the adoration of others, believes she’s escaped unscathed. But little does she know, the witch has been watching and waiting to strike back."Drawing inspiration from Suspiria and Lord Of The Rings, Hex So Heavy is the first chapter in a saga about reclaiming authenticity stolen by another.”
Rob Ulitski - 4 days ago