LA/PAC is an award-winning entertainment company based in Paris.It has rallied more than 65 Lions, 1 Grand prix and one Palme d’Or since 1972.La/Pac circle of creators is rooted in branded content, film, music videos, fashion and post production. The company has been working with the most creative talents over the years such as JP Goude, Olivero Toscani, David Lynch, Noam Murro, Reynald Gresset, Richard Avedon, Nathalie Canguilhem, Xavier Giannoli, David Bailey, Terrence Malick,…
On any platform of expression, La Pac is an actor of creative production through three companies :
La Pac, production and post-production of exclusive directors and creative films.
La Pac film, documentary and television production.
Very-Content, creative solutions and content factory.