videoHenry Moodie 'Bad Emotions' by Joel BarneyJoel Barney's latest video for singer-songwriter Henry Moodie is a performance video shot on an East London rooftop, featuring some gorgeous dramatic skies, shot on 16mm."In the third collaboration between Henry and myself, the brief was to create a dramatic, bold performance video.We decided to lean into the feel of classic, iconic pop rock videos, looking for reference within simple yet effective music videos that go back to basics: a stunning location, strong visuals and a captivating performance to lead the video."We shot the video with almost entirely natural light, so we were working to the mercy of the sun as our gaffer on this one! We had sun, clouds, rain and rainbows show up during the shoot and we were banking on a golden sunset, which thankfully we got."The changes in weather throughout the shoot lead to an eclectic array of backdrops for the video. Shooting on Super16mm gave the video a timeless, textured aesthetic and was a further nod to iconic pop rock videos of the 80's and 90's."