Creative director Ruth Bellotti directs a stunning short music film for Palace. A heavyweight in the advertising world, Bellotti had the concept in mind before linking up with the band, and it has translated perfectly to its current format. The video for Nightmares & Ice Cream follows a cult ritual that slowly descends into a competitive cry-off as the different members all attempt to prove themselves worthy of salvation."The short was conceived after watching too many cult documentaries during the pandemic," Bellotti explains."I was inspired by the kind of people that join these groups and their delusional hope of finding a more peaceful and utopian existence away from the stresses of everyday life. The song speaks to their dreams of getting into this magical place.”Featuring some beautifully unhinged performances, the video has an eccentric, offbeat energy, and is utterly absorbing from start to end.
Rob Ulitski - 4 months ago