videoShinedown 'A Symptom Of Being Human' by Lewis CaterLewis Cater follows the enigmatic promo for Dead Don't Die with another Shinedown collaboration - this time for A Symptom Of Being Human. The video deals with the unique yet universal challenges that are part and parcel of being human, touching upon anxiety, the cost of living and the overarching search for meaning in the everyday. Visually representing the highs and lows of life, the video focuses on a young girl, who discovers a book in a grand library with completely blank pages. She soon projects her fear and anxieties onto the page, until a breakthrough moment shines a light on the brighter side of life, and the friends who help her navigate the storm.The slick, filmic aesthetic perfectly contrasts the golden light of the library with the cold, clouded gloom of her fear vignettes, and the central performance helps marry the different setups to great effect. "There’s something quite magical about filming in London in December and we quite literally captured this underneath the festive glow of Westminster," Cater explains. "We were blessed with such an amazing team who stepped straight onto this after we wrapped on the Dead Don’t Die video."
Rob Ulitski - 6th Mar 2023