Greg Barnes directs a contemplative promo for Catching Flies. The video for The Last Phone Call pays homage to 1983 film Local Hero, and is inspired by the voice note featured in the track, setting a phone booth in isolation against a secluded beach.The atmospheric setting is elevated by a minimalistic approach to the mise-en-scene, featuring a singular phone box and isolated character. “George sent me the track as I was boarding a short flight, and by the time I landed the idea was formed - this is our fifth collaboration together and whether it’s a mediative piano piece of a high tempo banger, his music is always fast to inspire concepts," director Greg Barnes explains. "The project was inspired by the characterful and beautifully shot 1983 film Local Hero, and its atmospheric seaside phone-booth conversations, mixed with the climactic beach run from Truffaut’s iconic work - The 400 Blows. It was clear from the start we had to shoot this on film; harnessing the depth and textured tangibility of our references."For us so much of the piece hung on getting the perfect casting, and Taylor Kae Knott was exactly that. His training and intuition as a dancer really elevated the part, and our camera crew painstakingly towing a rickshaw over sand worked miracles and heart-rates keeping up with him."To me the song has this aching weight of heartbreak that buoys and shakes free with a heady sense of release, and I wanted the film to embrace and buzz with that uplifting euphoria.”
Rob Ulitski - 5 months ago