videoXADI 'Black Rock' by Zach JosephZach Joseph directs a "monochromatic meditation on identity" in his promo for young rapper XADI, shot in rural Wales.The video for Black Rock sees XADI wake on a beach, and begin his journey across the surrounding isolated landscape. It presents the artist's rapidfire performance style in this isolated setting of beaches, cliffs, deserted country roads, and it feels unique and introspective in its approach. Enigmatic and brooding, the video boasts a haunting, almost ethereal vibe, which works perfectly with the soundscapes in the track. "Thrown from the bowels of the sea onto a rugged beach lined with cliffs that rise up like great monolithic slabs of rock, XADI awakes; spewing forth salty water before a stream of evolving lyrics; his quest to earn the status as the new 'Black Rock Star’ ahead of him," explains Zach Joseph."Like Sisyphus pushing his rock up the hill, we’re never quite sure when XADI will reach his destination, but as he marches relentlessly onward his lyrics gather momentum and become progressively more impassioned; more intent. That is until the music falls out and XADI stands at the foot of the Black Rock - as if it were the mountain drawing him forth from the sea this whole time."Black Rock is a monochromatic meditation on the quest that one goes on in search of their artistic identity. It’s a story of rebirth. Of a man surrendering himself to the might of nature. For it is the Black Rock that will decide his fate."
Rob Ulitski - 14th Aug 2023