Felix Brady directs a trippy tour de force of thrilling creativity for Unknown T's Hocus Pocus, featuring Loyle Carner - and gleefully subverting expectations of both artists. The video offers a very distinctive and hugely imaginative blend of performance and visual storytelling, which merges past, present and future aesthetics with a visionary touch - with videogaming as an inspiration and motif.It's a triumphant return to music videos by Felix Brady, who takes everyday objects and distorts their familiarity: cars mounted on hydraulic arms, a vibrant colour palette, visual illusions and nostalgic 90s gaming iconography.Furthermore, Brady upends our previous experiences of the artists themselves. Loyle Carner is presented in a much more dominating way, contrary to his familiar and softer public image, while Unknown T’s persona shows a shift from his drill days into more art directed, highly crafted scenarios.In doing so, Brady has created a world that is defined by its utter unpredictability, including some future-iconic moments of surrealism, including Unknown T on a golf course raining hole-in-ones, Carner performing loops on a playground swing, and both playing an arcade video game in a field."It’s a visually-forward film," Brady confirms. "I wanted back-to-back grandiose scenes that are performance-focused. I was inspired by technology, play and contemporary design, but I also really wanted to push the rap envelope. It’s all play - the car, which is emblematic of rap videos, exists as a gyrating sculpture in the background, like a piece of modern art."The infinite hole-in-one golf scenes. Loyle in a speedboat is reminiscent of those coin-operated kiddie rides outside Asda. The kid on the bike searching the park harks back to Pokémon Go. Loyle loop-the-looping on a swing. Tetris inspired the floating building scene… We had fun with it.”
Rob Ulitski - 8 months ago