Folu Odimayo directs a thought-provoking promo for singer/producer Harvey Causon.The video for Psycho centres on a stirring concept, pitting strangers against each other in a competitive dance audition that soon descends into something more surreal and unusual.The desaturated colour palette and threadbare location create a dystopian, otherworldly atmosphere, whilst also feeling universal and accessible in its message. Paired with the uncanny, sometimes aggressive choreography, it's a well executed vision which leaves plenty of room for interpretation. "(The video) explores the idea of competition and rivalry that is created within areas of the creative but also parts of wider society;" says Folu Odimayo. "Looking at this system can dehumanise people and create a dog show, in which we are found jumping through various hoops and made to portion off parts of ourselves and relations in the pursuit of our goals. But also how collectivising and connection can be a route around this system."
Rob Ulitski - 2 months ago