Pavel Brenner’s buoyant, sun-soaked promo is the perfect accompaniment to Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs' latest indie banger.In the video for Never Seen You Dance, we follow two girls who are studying at ‘TEED University’, listening to the track Never Seen You Dance through shared headphones. One of them starts dancing, egging on the other to join her, and then it develops and builds, into a roaming dance-off the university library, until they are perfectly in sync. From a realistic premise, Brenner and his team provide a delightfully cinematic execution which takes this into somewhere special. The library location turns out to be the ideally spacious environment for the dance adventure, adding a touch of reality, and a place where the sequence can play out in a series of long takes, choreographed by Bret Easterling and shot by DoP Emmett Sutherland.Most importantly, Brenner captures the personality of the two girls - played by Zen Waterford and Sophie Frilot - and the palpable chemistry between them. So you are invested. Lovely work.
Rob Ulitski - 5th Aug 2022