William Glass blends live action concept and BTS footage to create a fresh perspective, in his promo for Gentle Stranger, featuring Martha Skye Murphy.The video for Kestrel/Inner Winter boasts an ambitious montage of theatrical vignettes, intercutting between the main performance and lo-fi candid snapshots to create a distinctive, installation-like work."The video captures the joy and visual mess of making a music video throughout one long day," explains Glass. "With the last video we made together, for Dragonfly, I felt the BTS images I took were just as compelling and vivid as the video itself. So for the Kestrel video I wanted to fold the BTS element into the edit."The event of making the video is shown alongside the enchanting performances by Tom and Alex. The location of the horse hospital became a central visual pin for the event to unfold in. This idea plus the childlike magic of a snow machine makes for a beautiful, theatrical and fractal film."
Rob Ulitski - 10 months ago