Niko B is the paperboy on a special mission, and bringing colourful vibes to the neighbourhood, in LAUZZA's effervescent, Noughties-inspired video for Why's This Dealer? Channeling the golden age of MySpace aesthetics, LAUZZA brings the past to life through bold graphics and animation, exaggerated edits, and a very playful sense of humour.The video follows Niko B as a paperboy on his round, slipping in CDs of his upcoming album with the local rag through his neighbourhood, capturing the raw, DIY spirit of an era that celebrated quirky self-promotion and creative expression.It's delightfully vibrant and authentic, with a heavy dose of LAUZZA experimentation and characteristic wit, with a wide range of entertaining scenes and ideas all working for the premise for the video.
Rob Ulitski - 2 months ago