Tom Clover directs a jetsetting epic for Serbian-American DJ X-Coast and tracks from his latest EP - and revealing the inside story of the character behind 'X-Coast Deejay Academy'.Clover hooks the viewer in with the concept of X-Coast (aka Bojan Cizmic) as a world famous DJ, willing to share the secrets of his art to anyone prepared to join his 'Deejay Academy'. A slick, fast-talking operator, constantly on the move, with briefcase and phone stuck to his ear, X-Coast is seemingly businesslike... as Clover's 'documentary' follows him from big shows in New York to Amsterdam and beyond.Eventually, as the DJ arrives in Europe, suspicions about his true intentions are confirmed, the portrait of X-Coast and his 'Academy' scam becomes an exposé - and another truer version of the DJ emerges in front of Clover's camera, as he heads to the hills of Serbia.It's bizarre and compelling, and X-Coast's constant travelling, presumably to keep one step ahead of the authorities, involves two ferries, a gas powered Yugo and ownership of a giant iguana - plus some cameos from fellow DJs.Together with Cizmic's strangely convincing portrayal of X-Coast as a major league huckster, Clover's approach is to make this appear to be authentic as possible within the fake doc format, with the merest hint of deadpan comedy. In fact, the inspiration for the film came from Cizmic/X-Coast himself, and previous outings for the X-Coast Deejay Academy concept on Instagram. "It was sparked from one of X-Coast's reels," confirms Clover. "I knew there was something bigger [in this] and got in touch with his manager. Before I knew it I had flights booked to Serbia, Amsterdam and NYC. We used a remote filmer in Australia and filmed some scenes here in London too."We shot for around 12 days in total and we used pretty much all of it - we were quick and concise. We did heaps of improv, we would just turn up at locations with a loose idea of what we needed and then just made the rest up on the spot. "It was one of the most liberating projects I have ever worked and it made me realise that anything is possible."
Rob Ulitski - 2 months ago