Pedro Takahashi directs a stirring promo for Sam Akpro, as the artist and his band take on the role of Wall Street-style bankers, trapped in a never-ending cycle of working hard and playing even harder.With inventive use of split screen and perpetually dynamic camerawork, the video for Death By Entertainment is a melancholic yet alluring visual befitting of the lilting track. "Reflecting the lyrics' theme of repetition and the crushing daily grind, we used motion control to create a circular camera movement that we come back to throughout the video," Takahashi explains."This allowed us to explore the dichotomy between night and day, and show how when you are physically and mentally exhausted, the line between night/day, or being awake/asleep, becomes thin and ever more blurry. I wanted to portray these ideas in an (hopefully) original and aesthetically interesting way."
Rob Ulitski - 10 months ago