Charles De Meyer explores the lives of Brazil’s indigenous tribes, in his latest visual for Gojira. The powerful video for Amazonia features a dynamic performance - shot by De Meyer - interwoven with footage shot by multiple filmmakers, including Vincent Moon, Hauxplay, Jennifer Kumiko Hayashi, and Midia Ninja. Presenting an unfiltered representation of the struggles and hardships the tribes are forced to endure, the video and track are a call for unity, backed up by an initiative the band have set up. As Charles De Meyer explains below, as part of a larger fundraising campaign, proceeds from Amazonia will benefit The Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (APIB), an organisation that advocates for the environmental and cultural rights of indigenous Amazonian tribes "who have suffered immensely - victims of deforestation, land loss, forced labor, violence, and harassment."
Rob Ulitski - 31st Mar 2021