Mumford & Sons return to action with an irresistibly joyous video by Charlie Robins in which some of the band's most loyal fans listen to their new music for the first time, capturing their instinctive initial reactions.Fans and friends of the band were invited to hear Rushmere - title track of Mumford & Sons' forthcoming new album and their first release in over five years - at an event in London in December. In a stripped-back studio setting and with multiple cameras, Robins' then focusses on each person, filmed individually or as a pair, and finds them reacting in a range of very personal ways to the song. Opening with a mosaic-like grid of each person at the start of each take, the video then transitions into a glorious rollercoaster of emotions - the dawning pleasure of hearing a song that revives the band's early sound, turning into dancing in some cases, but also quieter, intimate contemplation and even a few tears.The genuine reactions of discovery from a group of ordinary people with a shared love of the band - some of whom came a very long way to attend - are fascinating and heartwarming to behold, captured in Jack Exton's cinematography and Ed Cooper's insightful edit. A delightful visual that is both affecting and celebratory. "Humans being humans is such a simple concept," explains Robins. "We decided to run with it and do a bit of a forensic study of Mumford’s fans and friends as they encountered the new music."We shot with eight cameras - perhaps slightly OTT but nothing beats good old-fashioned realness. Everything we captured was of the moment and honest and I think it really shows in the final film."What a lovely bunch of people."
Rob Ulitski - 14 days ago