Fontaines DC are back - with an extraordinary, thought-provoking video by Aube Perrie. The video for Starburster opens with vocalist Grian Chatten dressed as a football referee, heading out for a kick about, until the ball rolls under a garage door. From there, we see Chatten morph into dozens of different characters - from the whimsical to the straight up creepy, with a special shout-out to the gimp suit and a horrifying prosthetic mask. In a frantic blur of strange little vignettes, we see the artist interact with his bandmates and random people, backdropped by the eerily quiet landscapes behind him. There is also a real sense that somehow Chatten has wondered into other worlds, and we are finding out about those worlds from his perspective, before quickly moving on. The use of an inhaler puff to break up the structure, is also very effective device to highlight the fragmented, almost unreadable nature of the narrative. A truly inspired, almost bizarre visual that earns its status of one of the most surreal clips of the year so far. It's also arguably Aube Perrie's strangest video yet - and that comes as the biggest compliment.
Rob Ulitski - 5 months ago