videoB.minor 'Irionora' by Timur AlmazovTimur Almazov directs an evocative promo for singer B.minor, weaving a tale about love and addiction, tapping into the artist's personal experiences."We wanted to create a music video around this story, with all the visual and performance elements serving to its purpose and building up to the final twist," Almazov explains. "We knew that we had to create a multilayered film with multiple locations, outfits and lighting setups to make the audience stay for the whole show. And given our shoestring budget finding ways to pull this off was perhaps our greatest challenge."Shot in London, the video for Irionara uses the city's overcast skies and bustling atmosphere to bring a sense of understated energy to the performance, which reflects the track's lilting soundscapes."It was also important that we captured b.minor's rich and complex cultural identity that's at the heart of his music," Almazov continues. "By fusing together carefully-choreographed dance sequences with hand-held location scenes and dynamic editing, we sought to bring together K-Pop influences with more Western style aesthetics and produce something as unique as the artist's musical voice."
Rob Ulitski - 9 months ago