Amitybloc direct a creative visualiser for Lo5ive's Fahrenheit, cleverly shot in a London nightclub. Under coruscating lights on a packed dancefloor, we follow a model through the night from behind, via a Snorricam setup. "The brief was just a track visualiser, but no one watches those and you can't post it on instagram and hope anyone cares," say Amitybloc. "So we pitched an idea that was a bit better as an introduction for an new artist."(Hair designer) Rooibos shaved the head of a model then dyed a new Lo5ive logo to back of it. We took photos and made the artwork. Later that night, we shot the video. A snorricam set up was fixed to the model, the camera fixed to the back of his head, pointed at the logo. We filmed his experience in the club from this perspective."Most people didn't notice despite the massive bright light. Those that did probably just thought someone was doing a stupid TikTok idea. They were half correct. People who were a bit for intoxitated graviated towards the camera, you can see some fun reactions from them too."
Rob Ulitski - 10th Nov 2022