Luke Brookner has created and directed one of two original films for leading children’s bereavement charity Grief Encounter, for Children’s Grief Awareness Week (CGAW).Luke has co-written I Got Through, which was released this week alongside well-known London poet, spoken word artist and mental health advocate Hussain Manawer, whose mother died three years ago.Luke’s parents passed away before he was eight years old. Using inspiration from real experiences of bereaved children and young people - including Joe Bellman, 20, who features in the film and experienced the death of his mother only a year ago - the film follows the milestones and moments which cause isolation in grief. Luke, Hussain and Joe hope the film will give voice to moments a young bereaved person finds tough, but often cannot say.The video is heartachingly raw and emotional, and is shot in an intimate, documentary-style fashion. The range of characters and situations represents the wide-ranging effect grief has on our communities, whilst simultaneously giving these people a voice and platform. This is a superb film, with a poignant and important message.
Rob Ulitski - 13th Oct 2021