videoJoalin 'Without You' by DeadhorsesDeadhorses direct a dazzling promo for Finnish-born, multi-lingual singer Joalin, with a hyperactive aesthetic achieved through quickfire edits, innovative camera techniques and textural overlays.Shooting in famous London locations like The Barbican and Southbank, the video for Without You is a colourful and kinetic visual feast that showcases Joalin's dynamic style in a fresh and fun way. "For this ultra-catchy, rap-reggaeton hybrid we wanted to make an iconic video that matches the song's energy and showcases Joalin’s trilingualism and immense talents as a street dancer," say Deadhorses."Cinematically, our visual approach was taken from 70s US Indie and 90s Hong Kong cinema, especially their use of long zoom lenses and wide angle lenses. We love the hard impact and visual flair that you get when juxtaposing extreme wides and ultra close-ups."The arcade and fish tank scenes in particular were so much fun to film, the camera had to be literally inches from Joalin’s face, we also managed to get a bit of lip-sync performances from one of the fish featured in the tanks which was a highlight for sure!"We were so grateful to be working with the daring DoP Jed Darlington-Roberts again (always a dream) who smashed it out of the park mixing up a bizarre array of old school and cutting edge techniques such as smearing vaseline on the lens and attaching 360 camera to the inside of the arcade games so that we spin in real time."Another big visual novelty was getting Hank Zoid on board who has a truly unique 16-camera rig that captures 3D bullet-time video maps and interspersed the 16-images into a single slow-mo image you can navigate through. This was the first time this technology was used for a music video and we think it really makes the arcade scenes standout, bringing a breath of fresh air to proceedings.."We had never worked with Joalin before, but it was a dream! We found her infectiously upbeat and energetic from the first call we had with her. It was great how involved in the filmmaking process, styling and design she was, clearly driven to make a standout video, even if it involves being in a bathtub on Southbank at dusk with a hundred tourists taking pictures of you."Getting permits in three days with a limited budget for such prized locations was by no means an easy feat, so, a massive shout out is due to our amazing production team especially our brilliant producer Ash and Liam from Blend films who put in the graft, working night and day at the point the project was greenlit to pull rabbits out of hats and materialise our crackpot ideas."
Rob Ulitski - 7 months ago