Directing duo Tearjerker - Hope Elliott Kemp and Ronan Corrigan - reunite with indie rock band The Academic for a cinematic tribute to the heist film genre. Set inside a bookies, the promo for new single Pushing Up Daisies stars the band as dejected gamblers, completely oblivious to a robbery going on around them.The second in a planned trilogy of videos for album Sitting Pretty, the video was shot at an abandoned electricity board in Bethnal Green, with an ambitious and very well-executed set build from scratch by production designer Ben Clark. In a big step up in scale for the directors, the video features thrilling action scenes, brilliant stunt work and a rather creepy set of costumes, and perfectly blends the offbeat conceptual elements of their previous collaborations with the group.“One of our favourite challenges is figuring out how we can fit the artists into the worlds we create," say TEARJERKER. "Bookies are grim places where dreams go to die, so we loved the idea of juxtaposing the high octane heist with the soul-destroyed punters whose lives revolve around the bet.“A lot of artists are nervous about doing anything other than a traditional performance video, but The Academic have never said ‘no’ to our weirdest ideas. At this point we’ve shot the band stuck inside washing machines, vending machines, a freezer, an abandoned water park and possibly the hardest challenge yet, on Zoom."For Sitting Pretty we wanted to push everything further and create a full cinematic world around the album."
Rob Ulitski - 9th Nov 2022