Jarvis Cocker’s Further Complications by Stephanie di Giusto
David Knight - 11th Nov 2009
Stephanie sensibly makes the most of Jarvis' natural charm, poise and annoying skinniness - he is basically turning French, isn't he - then adds charming origami effects.
Stephanie sensibly makes the most of Jarvis' natural charm, poise and annoying skinniness - he is basically turning French, isn't he - then adds charming origami effects.
Stephanie sensibly makes the most of Jarvis' natural charm, poise and annoying skinniness - he is basically turning French, isn't he - then adds charming origami effects.
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David Knight - 11th Nov 2009
- Director
- Stephanie Di Giusto
- Production Company
- P
- Director of Photography
- Alex Conesfroy
- Art Director
- Angelique Verbeeck
- Editor
- Edouard Mailaender
- Colourist
- Mosche Dichi
- Commissioner
- Jeannette Lee & Kelly Kiley
David Knight - 11th Nov 2009