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Get Cape's Find The Time by OneInThree

Get Cape's Find The Time by OneInThree

David Knight - 8th Feb 2008

Sam Duckworth aka Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly is back, and so are Bugsy Riverbank Steel and Ross Elliot Cooper, aka OneInThree.

Sam Duckworth aka Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly is back, and so are Bugsy Riverbank Steel and Ross Elliot Cooper, aka OneInThree. They've directed a bunch of promos bursting with graphic ideas, for The Bishops, X-Press-2, Bloc Party, Parka, IWasACubScout - and their first big(ger)-budget break last summer for Badly Drawn Boy's Promises. Find The Time continues the upward curve: more clever art direction and post work, and like in Promises, things emerge from the gloom. But this time it's not just lamps. It's loads of stuff...

They've directed a bunch of promos bursting with graphic ideas, for The Bishops, X-Press-2, Bloc Party, Parka, IWasACubScout - and their first big(ger)-budget break last summer for Badly Drawn Boy's Promises.

Sam Duckworth aka Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly is back, and so are Bugsy Riverbank Steel and Ross Elliot Cooper, aka OneInThree. They've directed a bunch of promos bursting with graphic ideas, for The Bishops, X-Press-2, Bloc Party, Parka, IWasACubScout - and their first big(ger)-budget break last summer for Badly Drawn Boy's Promises. Find The Time continues the upward curve: more clever art direction and post work, and like in Promises, things emerge from the gloom. But this time it's not just lamps. It's loads of stuff...

Find The Time continues the upward curve: more clever art direction and post work, and like in Promises, things emerge from the gloom. But this time it's not just lamps.

Sam Duckworth aka Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly is back, and so are Bugsy Riverbank Steel and Ross Elliot Cooper, aka OneInThree. They've directed a bunch of promos bursting with graphic ideas, for The Bishops, X-Press-2, Bloc Party, Parka, IWasACubScout - and their first big(ger)-budget break last summer for Badly Drawn Boy's Promises. Find The Time continues the upward curve: more clever art direction and post work, and like in Promises, things emerge from the gloom. But this time it's not just lamps. It's loads of stuff...

It's loads of stuff...

Sam Duckworth aka Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly is back, and so are Bugsy Riverbank Steel and Ross Elliot Cooper, aka OneInThree. They've directed a bunch of promos bursting with graphic ideas, for The Bishops, X-Press-2, Bloc Party, Parka, IWasACubScout - and their first big(ger)-budget break last summer for Badly Drawn Boy's Promises. Find The Time continues the upward curve: more clever art direction and post work, and like in Promises, things emerge from the gloom. But this time it's not just lamps. It's loads of stuff...

Watch 'Get Cape's Find The Time by OneInThree' here

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David Knight - 8th Feb 2008


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Leanne Stott
Production Company
Colonel Blimp


Director of Photography
Will Bex


Art Director
Ben Ansell


James Rose




Tim Nash



David Knight - 8th Feb 2008

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