Death To Los Campesinos by Cat Solen
David Knight - 10th Jan 2008
You've got a thrillingly tight performance happening, and then the magic starts - which, frankly, can be bloody annoying.
You've got a thrillingly tight performance happening, and then the magic starts - which, frankly, can be bloody annoying. A video with a cheeky satirical aspect.
A video with a cheeky satirical aspect.
You've got a thrillingly tight performance happening, and then the magic starts - which, frankly, can be bloody annoying. A video with a cheeky satirical aspect.
Watch 'Death To Los Campesinos by Cat Solen' hereFeatured sponsors
David Knight - 10th Jan 2008
- Director
- C
- Producer
- Justin Benoliel
- Production Company
- P
- Director of Photography
- Ross Riege
- Art Director
- Eric Archer
- Editor
- Ryan Bartley
David Knight - 10th Jan 2008