Coronavirus update: Smoke & Mirrors' Szabo maintains full pay for runners who do volunteer work
Rob Ulitski - 24th Mar 2020
Here's our first Covid-19-related news round-up, as production companies, labels and freelancers start to adapt to remote working:
• Smoke & Mirrors runner initiative
Gary Szabo, CEO of Smoke & Mirrors (above), has announced that the London-based post production facility will be keeping their runners on full pay, providing they volunteer for the NHS, or community/ food bank work. He has also urged his colleagues at other companies to do the same if they are able to. Instagram
• Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) now available through participating lenders
CBILS is a new scheme that can provide facilities for smaller businesses across the UK who are experiencing lost or deferred revenues, leading to disruptions to their cashflow. More at the British Business Bank website.
• Electric Theatre Collective staff settle into remote working
Electric Theatre Collective shared a post on Instagram with a picture of their 2D animation team all set and ready to go, some with little assistants by their sides! Instagram
• COMPULSORY to launch free-to-view curatorial space this week
Compulsory have announced on Instagram plans to launch a free-to-view curatorial space, which will exist online to celebrate creative works for a moment in time, as an alternative to real life. They stated: "As ever, COMPULSORY are committed to supporting new voices, while also working to bring amazing projects into the space by talent that has been overlooked because of cancellations of festivals due to the potential spread of Covid-19." Instagram
Rob Ulitski - 24th Mar 2020
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