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I Am Arrows’ Hurricane by GeorgeLucas

I Am Arrows’ Hurricane by GeorgeLucas

David Knight - 18th Oct 2010

Ex-Razorlighter Andy Burrows and directing collective GeorgeLucas (that's Tom George and Paul Lucas) deconstruct the performance video for I Am Arrows' new single Hurricane.

Ex-Razorlighter Andy Burrows and directing collective GeorgeLucas (that's Tom George and Paul Lucas) deconstruct the performance video for I Am Arrows' new single Hurricane. It's Tom and Paul's first video at Shameless - the new music division at Park Village - and the video was filmed and edited at the company's Regents Park studio. Shooting on the Canon EOS 5D Mk II, GeorgeLucas worked closely with Andy Burrows on the concept. "We've always been interested in playing with the idea of what's real and what's fake, so shooting a performance video where you also see the seams - the rig, the studio, the crew - was really appealing."

It's Tom and Paul's first video at Shameless - the new music division at Park Village - and the video was filmed and edited at the company's Regents Park studio.

Ex-Razorlighter Andy Burrows and directing collective GeorgeLucas (that's Tom George and Paul Lucas) deconstruct the performance video for I Am Arrows' new single Hurricane. It's Tom and Paul's first video at Shameless - the new music division at Park Village - and the video was filmed and edited at the company's Regents Park studio. Shooting on the Canon EOS 5D Mk II, GeorgeLucas worked closely with Andy Burrows on the concept. "We've always been interested in playing with the idea of what's real and what's fake, so shooting a performance video where you also see the seams - the rig, the studio, the crew - was really appealing."

Shooting on the Canon EOS 5D Mk II, GeorgeLucas worked closely with Andy Burrows on the concept. "We've always been interested in playing with the idea of what's real and what's fake, so shooting a performance video where you also see the seams - the rig, the studio, the crew - was really appealing."

Ex-Razorlighter Andy Burrows and directing collective GeorgeLucas (that's Tom George and Paul Lucas) deconstruct the performance video for I Am Arrows' new single Hurricane. It's Tom and Paul's first video at Shameless - the new music division at Park Village - and the video was filmed and edited at the company's Regents Park studio. Shooting on the Canon EOS 5D Mk II, GeorgeLucas worked closely with Andy Burrows on the concept. "We've always been interested in playing with the idea of what's real and what's fake, so shooting a performance video where you also see the seams - the rig, the studio, the crew - was really appealing."

Watch 'I Am Arrows’ Hurricane by GeorgeLucas' here

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David Knight - 18th Oct 2010


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David Knight - 18th Oct 2010

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